Sunday, 25 April 2010

Final Magazine

Evaluation Presentation - Final Without Animation

Evaluation Presentation W/ Information

Above is my evaluation presentation which analyses and evaluates the different elements of my music magazine and the reasons behind my decisions.
I thought that it went well as I addressed each question and I developed my ideas to back up each question and my points. I feel that I could have added evidence from existing music magazines to show the different conventions used and developed but to also give evidence to demonstrate the similarities and differences between my music magazine and existing magazines.

My Reader Profile

•Genre: Pop Rock
•Age group: 15-23
•Gender: unisex but mainly female dominated
•90% are in full time education
•70% enjoy listening to music via iTunes
•On average 90% purchase 0-5 albums per month
•50% purchase their albums online whereas 40% purchase albums through music stores
•50% enter competitions for prizes e.g. iPods
•50% attend concerts on a regular basis
•70% use blogs and social networking sites
•60% purchase music magazines regularly
•70% research into upcoming artists based around their preferred music genre

Above is my reader profile for my magazine. To create my reader profile I used my questionnaire, NME reader profile analysis and my mood board. I used the information collected to help me create my reader profile which I would then use to create my magazine according to what my target market would enjoy to read and what to include in the magazine. My questionnaire was mainly targeted at my market to help me create a reader profile suited to my audience.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Constructing Interview - Conventions

The main conventions used in my interview are:
  • Stand first
  • Pull quotes
  • Caption
  • Image
  • Page number
  • Website link
I added a stand first on my interview page as it gave a summary of what the interview included and also allowed the reader to feel as though they are up close with the artist. The pull quotes are scattered around the page to give a sense of energy. The caption explains the image and the interview. The image on this page isn't as dominant as the others due to its placement. I chose to place it on the floor as it gives a relaxed feel to the interview and it also holds the interview together as my artists foot is holding the pull quote in place. The page numbers help the reader find the page they are looking for. I have challenged a convention by adding in a link to my artists website, this would allow the fans to keep up-to-date with my artist.

Constructing Contents Page - Conventions

The main conventions used in my contents page are:
  • Columns
  • Teasers
  • Page numbers
  • Central image
  • House style
  • Free CD
When creating my contents page I chose to include columns as it makes it easier for the reader to read and makes the layout of the page look neater. Teasers would attract my reader and having the page numbers next to it would make it easy for the reader to look at a certain page. Again I used the central image as it is dominant and attractive and the house style runs through my magazine so connect each page. A convention which I have challenged was adding a free CD to my magazine as it is not very common in most magazine, also I added in a paragraph explaining the meaning of the album and background history on my band.

Constructing Front Cover - Conventions

The main conventions on my front cover are:
  • Masthead
  • Barcode
  • Issue no.
  • Central image
  • Banner
  • House style
  • Price
  • Quotes taken from within the magazine and articles featured
These conventions have been used developed from other magazines. The masthead is bold and dominant which is common in most magazine. The barcode is featured on the front cover alongside the issue number. The central image is bold and dominant which attracts the readers attention. The banner is bold and the main colours of purple, yellow, black and grey are bold and distinguishable. The price isn't very expensive as my audience are mainly in full time education and therefore cannot afford expensive magazines. Finally the quotes help the reader understand what type of magazine it is and what would be featured in it, it would also attract the reader as the interviews featured are based around the genre of the magazine.